LoR: Guitar Hero

Rocktober ends with this episode of The Legend of Retro. Craig takes a back seat as Xander regales about a video game that literally changed his life. Retro relapse gets a little muddy (or clay-y, if you want to get technical) and the RPG Protagonist Battle is a matchup that could have been in round 1.

Rocktober selection: Green Jelly- Carnage Rules

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LoR: Bonk's Adventure

Get ready to rock with The Legend of Retro! Was that too on the nose? Or did I Bonk that right on the head? Craig and Xander look back on caveman Charlie Brown and his head banging adventures. Retro Relapse gets radical, and Xander has a double header in the RPG Protagonist battle.

Rocktober selection: The Minibosses- Mega Man 2

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LoR: Landstalker

On this episode of The Legend of Retro Craig and Xander discuss Landstalker for Sega Genesis. Why does Japan get all the cool artwork? Retro Relapse lays an egg, and it's another Chops v Chops in the RPG Protagonist Battle!

Rocktober selection: Kozo Nakamura- Dragonblade

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LoR: Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

In this episode of The Legend of Retro, Craig and Xander celebrate 25 years of Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, which is the roller coaster of the Final Fantasy series. Lots of highs and lows, you probably shouldn't have eaten before hand, but you'll probably keep going back even though it there are probably better things to do.  Not my best analogy, but it will do. Bad accents almost ruin Retro Relapse, and the RPG Protagonist battle keeps trucking onward.

Special ROCKtober music: The Black Mages- Clash on the Big Bridge

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LoR Bonus: SNES Classic

On this special bonus episode of The Legend of Retro, Craig and Xander lament their failure of acquiring an SNES Classic at midnight. Hear their stories from the line, what they're excited about, and what maybe they aren't so excited about. Recorded live in Xander's car! Enjoy the bonus episode!

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LoR: Super Mario Ranker

In this episode of the Legend of Retro, Craig, Xander, and Dale give their top 10 Super Mario games (from a finite list) and discuss the importance of everyones favorite plumbing here (I don't care what you say, Nintendo, he's still a plumber to me!). Get ready to agree, disagree, and throw your media playing device farther than ever before!

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LoR: Soul Calibur 2

In this episode of The Legend of Retro, Craig and Xander decided to honor the guest characters of Soul Calibur 2 with a guest of their own, Dale (a20sidedninja)! They compare a lot of the games in the series to 2 and share their experiences with arguably the most popular installment in the franchise. Retro Relapse is a killer, and the RPG Protagonist Battle Round 2 continues with what will most likely be a landslide vote.

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LoR: Sonic the Hedgehog 3

On this week's episode of the Legend of Retro, Craig and Xander visit Angel Island and discuss the good and bad halves of the soundtrack to Sonic the Hedgehog 3. They try to focus on some interesting points of the game, but get totally sidetracked by the unique situation surrounding the music. Retro Relapse rocks and rolls all night long, sweet Suzie. And the RPG Protagonist Battle keeps rolling through round 2!

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LoR: Super Mario Bros. 2

The Legend of Retro takes a nap and Craig and Xander are left to explore the dreamworld of the subconscious. Or are they? Is it all real? Or just a dream? You'll have to listen to find out! Find out of the guys have a type in Retro Relapse, and round two of the RPG Protagonist Battle finally begins!

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LoR: Rhythm of Retro 2- Craig <3 Xander

The Rhythm of Retro returns! Craig WK and Xander share the mix tape of their relationship. Ever wanted to know a musical history of our hosts? Here's your chance! Rhythm of Retro will be returning soon so keep an eye out on motorcitygaming.com and on the Legend of Retro facebook group to see how you can get involved!

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LoR: EarthBound Part 1

In this episode of The Legend of Retro, Craig WK and Xander finally start to geek out over what is arguably their favorite game of all time, EarthBound. Admittedly, this is more of a quick retrospective of why the game is so great in hopes that everyone who hasn't played it finally gets inspired to do so. This is a spoiler free episode! Part 2 is coming soon, but not right away so you have time to play! Retro Relapse stays true to the theme of the episode, and the RPG Protagonist Battle is between the popular kid, and the home schooled kid.

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LoR: Goldeneye 007

This week on the Legend of Retro podcast, Craig WK and Xander shake things up (not stir) by talking about the classic shooter Goldeneye 007. Who's gonna pick Odd Job, what's the best gun, and what cheats should you use? You should probably ask someone else, because these guys are stuck in the past! Retro Relapse is on the hunt for sandwiches, and the RPG Protagonist battle draws so close to the end of round 1 with a lady from the moon and a thing from the swamp.

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